


■ 診療部門の英語

総合診療科      general medicine

内科         internal medicine

 一般内科      general internal medicine

 呼吸器内科     respiratory medicine

 循環器内科     cardiology

 消化器内科     gastroenterology

 代謝・内分泌内科  metabolism and endocrinology

 腎臓内科      nephrology

 神経内科      neurology

 血液内科      hematology

 リウマチ・膠原病内科   rheumatology and clinical immunology

 老年内科      geriatrics

 心療内科      psychosomatic medicine

外科         surgery

 一般外科      general surgery

 心臓血管外科    cardiovascular surgery

 呼吸器外科     thoracic surgery

 消化器外科     gastro-enterological surgery

 乳腺・内分泌外科  breast and endocrine surgery

 脳神経外科     neurosurgery

 整形外科      orthopedic surgery

 小児外科      pediatric surgery

小児科        pediatrics

産科         obstetrics

婦人科        gynecology

泌尿器科       urology

精神科        psychiatry

眼科         ophthalmology

耳鼻咽喉科      otorhinolaryngology, ENT(ear,nose,and throat)

皮膚科        dermatology

放射線科       radiology

麻酔科        anesthesiology

病理診断科      diagnostic pathology

歯科         dentistry

口腔外科       oral and maxilofacial surgery

救急部        emergency and critical care

リハビリテーション科     rehabilitation

人間ドック・健診センター   comprehensive physical examination center, physicals


■ 呼吸器科での会話

D: Please sit down. What can I do for you today?

P: Well, I've been having these coughs, and I can't sleep at night.

 I have a headache and a fever as well.


D: I see. How long has this been going on?

P: Well, about a week ago, I had a cold with a stuffy nose(鼻が詰まって) and a sore throat, ...and then, I started coughing. The cough has been going on for about 3 days.


D: What's your cough like?

P: At first it was dry, and then gradually I started to cough up sputum.(痰がからむ)


D: Do you get short of breath? (息切れしますか)

P: Yes, sometimes I have difficulty breathing.

D: OK, now I am going to listen to your chest.




